From a Ship Yard incident in 1992. To Being reported Missing in Napa on July 24th 1992. Kaylee Lynn Stein Who who was born on April 21, 1983 in cr between Napa and San Francisco, at 01:43 AM. Kaylee achieved many circumstances. one being her Middle school. and high School Challenges. Much of were Aced on the spot. Fallowing in her Dads foot steps. Kaylee Lynn Stein has made it clear to millions. "If You mess with me. I'll Mess with you." When she was missing from the Philippines, Kaylee had Won the Fire Dancing competition. Then when the Ship, "The Princess of The Stars" sunk. Many thought the worst. But out of the waters was Kaylee. This true story is being published, And filmed by many International Bodies. and includes. Japan, The Philippines, China. Australia. The UK, the US. and many, many more. "The Angel In Me" (Based on a True Story.)
A woman ran into me. I was at Sunset Boulevard and Judah in San Francisco. She Questioned, in response. "Kylie?" I said No! She asked what my name was. I said. Kaylee. I then proceeded to Showed her photos of me. She said no, that's not my daughter. I also asked the woman if she was from Napa. She said no. I then asked if her daughter was kidnapped in. 1992. She said no. Prior this guy in a black SUV asked me if I needed a ride. I never answered him. I then mumbled. I'll never get back to my mom. Kaylee Lynn Stein is my birth name. The one whose father died at Pier 80 back in 1992. The women never mentioned pier 80. Research began on Kylie Stone, after being shown a photo of Kylie from Kylie's Twitter, proven where Kylie really was. A track of Kylie found her in Toronto Ontario, where Her kidnapper taken Kylie.

Kaylee Lynn Stein literally found out later on where her family is originally from. After being caught singing in a language of Slovic, Croatia.
After I talked to my Uncle Edward whom came to San Francisco from Bakersfield, He mentioned Napa. After some time, we got to talk more, and got in to some interpersonal parts of my life, Like when I asked Edward about the Will. He got a bit excited, We played some foul, But not much. He then took me to some spots that I remembered. and I showed him some of my hiding spots, We did some shopping. And some eat outs, But it got to the end of the stay at the pier, and the Staff Wouldn't let me do anything else with him. That is what made my determination of my departure at the time. Being racist towards me and my family.
I since shared some of my photo's of me from when I was younger, and printed some of them off for him. I since ordered prints for Edward, and I have yet to give them to him. One photo is what I looked like at 08 and 09 years old. I have yet to be reunited with my Mother in Napa. however Being that I am still in San Francisco. I since fined all the police departments for not doing enough to find my mother. I since got a restraining order on several of the Staff at St Vincent De Paul for not doing as they promised., and found other pending suits One in particular is Episcopal Community Services in San Francisco.
When I was on Pier 80, I began having nightmares and flash backs again. It became so UN-bearable that I had to leave. John who works for St Vincent De Paul Society of San Francisco also has been watching. But What I seen of John, is he Didn't sit at the spot where my daddy died. When I was on Pier 80, Their was several noted I noted when I was on their, First the, Air Force dropped by, to confirm That I made it to San Francisco. I flagged them to hover over me. They have not been back since. I then seen the coast Guard Fly over Pier 80. before the shelter closed at the end of June. I left for San Carlos where My husband lived. Prior to leaving, I had seen one light flicker on and off, When I was their, They moved me from one bed to another. That is when that light began to blink. I also walked the yard like my daddy would of did. I also had made other notes That I had to get out. My name is Kaylee, Kay for short. But I also have other nick names. One is from the Philippines. "Janis" I had a friend in Hawaii whom is also called Janice. She is one of my other best friends I got to talk to. She was at a flower shop, working. My Father is the one who died at Pier 80. On February 2nd 1992. I'm also the one who was kidnapped from Napa California from Sphere Elementary School. The Napa valley register noted the arrest of one man. But the story was told wrong.
Final confirmation of the investigation. Complete. . . Thanks for letting me helping you in this investigations. When I do good. Get my tasks done. I get rewarded with having sex with someone. I left the shelter on Sunday the 18th of September. Left for Bay-view. And stayed with a guy, Told him my issue, what happened. And he asked me other questions. He took me somewhere to stay. And had sex, slept with him. And Left Monday morning for St Anthony’s. On November 11, 2017, St Anthony's was forced into a lawsuit after an Illegal DOS..